IQATC was founded in 2006 by CA Arvind Tuli & Anurag Gupta and joined by Nitin Goel in 2015.
We feel privileged to have been a part of the CA journey of thousands of CA's some of whom are Ex & Present Branch heads, CEO's Entrepreneurs, Bankers, Leading Professionals, Teachers and more.
Building a strong foundation with conceptual clarity and developing with conceptual clarity and developing self thinking professionals has always been our prime focus and we go by the mantra the learning should be FUN
CA is one of the most sought after professions in india and abroad.
CA is not difficult to pass , if you have made up your mind and are ready to work really hard then we at IQATC prepare you with a plan.
CA is the only degree without any quota - amount of donation can get you the degree, you simply have to earn it.
CA give you the options of getting a job, doing your own Practice.
CA itself opens up various professional pursuits and one can opt to pursue a career in Indirect taxation or Direct taxation or international taxation or become an Auditor - statutory, internal ,management etc or look into Mergers & amp: Acquisitions, Financial Managemt, Budgetary Forecasts and control,
oh there is much you can become with this one degree!!... so come and start your journey with us!